Purple Astro Boy - $200 Oz

from CA$100.00
Text 548-388-6392

Named after the classic Japanese manga character, Astroboy is a high-powered sativa that’s sure to give you energy and stimulation. This buzzy strain was created by TGA Subcool Seeds, the same growers who gave us Agent Orange, and is a combination of Apollo 13 an unnamed cross between Ortega and staple sativa Cinderella 99. What results is a fruity, citrus-tinged bud with effects that last longer than usual. Astroboy’s THC content has been measured at between 15% and 21%. Astroboy tends to have only small to medium-sized flowers that cling together in clustered, pebbly formations. These buds have a structure that leans more indica than sativa, with closely-packed leaves that range from spring green to yellowish in color. The leaves are twisted through with orange and rust-colored trichomes and are crowned with glittering, translucent white trichomes. When inspecting flowers of Astroboy, the first impression you might get is that of tangy citrus. A second whiff reveals some surprisingly sour notes as well, combining with the citrus top notes to give the impression of grapefruit. Grinding up these popcorn-like buds releases a sour funk, reminiscent of skunk -- perhaps because Shiva Skunk is in parent strain Cinderella’s background. When burnt, Astroboy gives off a smooth and easily ingested smoke that tastes like citrus and skunk on the exhale. Certain phenotypes of this bud also carry a light watermelon flavor. Unsurprisingly given its sativa influence, Astroboy starts working shortly after users have savored its fruity smoke. At first, smokers may feel a sudden dizziness or a concerted pressure around the eyes and temples as blood rushes to the head. These tics may be accompanied by some flushing in the face or an increase in salivation as well. Once accustomed to these odd sensations, though, users are skyrocketed into an elevated plane of thinking in which ideas and concepts flow rapidly in free association from one to the next. Consumers may pause to analyze thoughts or conversational topics that might not otherwise strike them as interesting. This kind of cerebral mindset can be a good way to work through a pile of detail-oriented, analytical work. It may also spark creative energy for brainstorming and other open-ended projects. Even as the high wears on, Astroboy tends not to burden its smokers with the weighty physical relaxation that comes with more indica-inflected strains. Instead, feel free to burn off this upbeat strain’s energy with light to moderate exercise. Astroboy’s mental chatter can also be a fun way to get through mundane chores like doing the dishes or finishing a load of laundry. This strain’s tendency to amplifying internal monologues can also make it a good social lubricant in party situations, provoking conversation and easy camaraderie. Because of its unabated energy level, Astroboy is recommended for daytime -- or for experienced smokers, even morning -- consumption. Astroboy’s wide-awake alertness can also have applications for some medical cannabis patients. The feeling of cerebral concentration that comes with its onset may aid focus for those who have attention deficit disorders. Its upbeat vibes may also temporarily relieve the symptoms of mild to moderate stress and depression. Physically, this strain can soothe pain, whether it’s due to serious conditions or to everyday irritations like cramps or headaches. Because it can trigger bouts of recursive thinking, Astroboy is not recommended for patients who are prone to panic or who have a low THC tolerance. Seeds of this high-powered sativa are not available for sale online. Instead, prospective growers must obtain clippings from mature plants of Astroboy in order to foster genetically identical “clones.” The strain can be grown indoors or out, although successful outdoor cultivation requires a semi-humid climate with daytime temperatures between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Plants tend to be tall and branchy and may need to be occasionally pruned back to fit in indoor grow spaces. Despite its sativa lineage, Astroboy flowers within a short 7 to 9 weeks when grown indoors.

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  • Uplifted